Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Just a Common Woman

-Art by Andi Renea-


She has taken a woman lover
whatever shall we do
she has taken a woman lover
how lucky it wasnt you
And all the day through she smiles and lies
and grits her teeth and pretends to be shy,
or weak, or busy. Then she goes home
and pounds her own nails, makes her own
bets, and fixes her own car, with her friend.
She goes as far
as women can go without protection
from men.
On weekends, she dreams of becoming a tree;
a tree that dreams it is ground up
and sent to the paper factory, where it
lies helpless in sheets, until it dreams
of becoming a paper airplane, and rises
on its own current; where it turns into a
bird, a great coasting bird that dreams of becoming
more free, even, than that -- a feather, finally, or
a piece of air with lightning in it.
she has taken a woman lover
whatever can we say
She walks around all day
quietly, but underneath it
she's electric;
angry energy inside a passive form.
The common woman is as common
as a thunderstorm.

-Judy Grahn-

Sunday, January 24, 2010

What does feminism mean to me?

Hairy by Andi Renea

That’s a tough question, and sure enough as soon as I press save I will have many, many more definitions seeping through my fingertips.

Feminism is a movement, an ideology, a belief, a field of study, a practice, an existence, a hope, a wish, a dream, a history, a truth, a foundation, a mindset, an experience, an ever-changing framework, a consciousness, an opportunity, a guide, a way of life, a mode of survival, an empowerment, a religion, a choice and
…incredible diversity… squared.

The dictionary states that feminism is the movement for social, political, and economic equality of men and women. I would broaden that definition quite a bit. Feminism is NOT simply about two sexes or two genders. It is liberation for ALL genders, it is a way to break through traditional gender roles and find one’s true essence. Feminism is not just about protecting, supporting, and advocating women’s rights, but the rights of ALL people, animals, beings, worlds, essences, faiths, etc. regardless of sex, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexual object choice, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, creed, class, status, ability status, size, government, favorite food, etc. etc. etc…

Feminism is recognizing that all modes of power and oppression are interconnected, thus sexism is not the only form of oppression to fight but also racism, classism, heterosexism, ableism, sizeism, ethnocentrism, imperialism, fundamentalism, etc. etc. etc… Full equality is the ultimate goal of feminism.

Feminism is not about power and control for a few radical women. Instead, feminism is about equal access to power, a world controlled only by inclusion, equality, and compassion… not simply men, women, nor genderfucks.

And finally, feminism is not about hating men or having hairy legs. The word hate is not present at all in my definition of feminism. Instead, hate is an antonym and hairy legs… well that’s just a choice we all have in my definition of feminism.

Every breath, thought, choice and action I make are formed on the basis of my definition of feminism. Of course, I can’t be perfect and the harsh hegemonic culture in which we live seeps through my being every now and then and I question my love handles or yell at my girlfriend… but underneath it all, it is my true essence, an ideal of which I strive to become.